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CCP-AHC Town Hall 2025

Date and Time

Thursday, 22 May 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a drinks and light snacks reception


Co. Durham
United Kingdom

Hybrid participation for at least part of the event will be facilitated.

Express interest in attending CCP-AHC Town Hall 2025

About the event

Purpose and overview

The purpose of the CCP-AHC Town Hall 2025 is to bring together representatives of:

  • national and international DRI initiatives supporting arts, humanities, and culture (AH&C) research and innovation;
  • DRI professionals who enable and empower this work, particularly those interested in or actively using HPC;
  • the UK HPC and advanced computing community, including members of existing CCPs;
  • expertise in sustainable computationally intensive AH&C research and the FAIR data, workflows, and software that support it;
  • leaders in engaged and inclusive design principles for access to DRI.

Delegates will receive brief presentations on key topics, including an introduction to the CCP model and the policy background to the project. They will turn quickly to working collaboratively to gather input into past, current and future usage of HPC and advanced computing resource by arts, humanities, and culture researchers and innovators.

Intended outcomes

Contributions will be captured for later analysis and inclusion into a draft roadmap for the community over the next five to seven years. This roadmap includes a vision for the establishment of the CCP as an element of the UK DRI ecosystem, a concrete workplan for its activities during the remainder of the scoping project until the end of 2026, and a long-term community vision extending beyond the scoping project into a viable case for multi-year support for the new CCP, along with its related activities.

During the scoping award, the CCP-AHC community will benefit from digital Research Technical Professional expertise at Durham University (0.4 FTE) and STFC (1.0 FTE) during the calendar year 2026. One of the planned outcomes of the Town Hall 2025 are contributions to a workplan of technical actions for this period, in line with community and strategic priorities. For this reason, we are especially interested in hearing from the developers, contributors, or maintainers of research software and other digital infrastructure which has been produced to support AH&C research in the UK.

Expression of Interest

If you have reason to believe that your work has the potential to produce a compelling use case for HPC and/or advanced computing or to be used by a broader set of researchers and innovators, please express your interest in joining us in Durham in May.

Express interest in attending CCP-AHC Town Hall 2025

There is no deadline for responses at present, though expressions of interest will be processed on a rolling basis. In the coming weeks, we will extend invitations to respondents and other key stakeholders to attend in-person. Hybrid participation will be possible for at least part of the day, and community members unable to make the Town Hall will have an opportunity to contribute in other ways over the duration of the project.


There is no cost to attending the CCP-AHC Town Hall 2025. Travel and accommodation costs will, in general, not be covered by CCP-AHC.


Agenda to be confirmed.